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The Paris Region is a top-tier hub for Life Sciences and HealthTech in Europe. It is favored by many big pharma companies and offers a strategic location for companies such as Sanofi, Servier, and Ipsen.

With the largest amount raised in VC funding in HealthCare within the EU in recent years, the Paris Region is also the perfect environment to take your startup to the next level.

Last but not least, it features a high concentration of world-renowned research institutions in all therapeutic areas and developed a large offer of real estate solutions to welcome R&D projects in Life Sciences.

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Yann Masson

Healthcare, Life Sciences

Here in Paris, you have world-class research institutions from which many highly trained scientists, engineers and doctors are graduating every year [...]. It's also a great place for private and public partnerships here. I know that the hospitals and academic institutions are actively looking to set up collaborations with early-stage companies.
- Nader Yaghoubi, CEO PathMaker Neurosystems

The Expert’s Analysis

The Paris Region has a unique concentration of stakeholders in Life Sciences, from leading research hospitals to corporate groups to a groundbreaking startup ecosystem. All these elements make it one of the top locations to grow your project. In addition, the region is also shifting to a more digital health model to support patients and caregivers better.



1400 +
Life Sciences companies
+53 K
direct jobs



A strategic location

The Paris Region benefits from a central position in Western Europe with easy access to other big cities by train or plane. It boasts French academic excellence with leading universities such as Paris Saclay University (1st worldwide in mathematics), Sorbonne, and PSL.
In the last years, the region has been leading the attractivity for Foreign Direct Investments in R&D and corporate investments (Global Cities Investment Monitor 2022).

#1 Worlwide for FDI in R&D and corporate projects.

A strong network of clusters and communities

Startups inside the Paris Region benefit from the expertise of many clusters that are directly related to the health industry such as:

Genopole, a scientific campus & business cluster for biotechnologies located in the south of Paris in Evry Courcouronnes. The Genopole is the main cluster for genomics with companies developing Cell & Gene Therapies, diagnostic solutions, foodtech, and more. It currently hosts 73 companies and 16 academic laboratories.

The Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster, one of the 1st projects supported by France 2030 aims to support innovation in oncology by making it more predictive, precise, and efficient. By bringing together all these skills in a single location, the PSCC creates a patient-centric ecosystem to establish a leading hub in the field of oncology.

Paris Saclay Research and Innovation Cluster. Paris Saclay has been ranked in the top 8 innovation clusters in the world. It benefits from a strong biopharma ecosystem with companies like Servier, Merck, and Ipsen operating in the area. It will also benefit from new infrastructures willing to accelerate biotech startup development with Kadans and Biolabs.

Medicen brings together private and public organizations around innovation to develop the therapeutic solution of the future. It acts as a unifier for the whole ecosystem and accounts for more than 500 members including 430 startups.

Biocitech is a Life Sciences campus of 21,000m² located in Romainville. It offers all the equipment needed for biotech companies. It is home to companies such as Galapagos, Mutabilis, and Nextdot.

A dynamic startups Scene

We count around 12,000 startups inside the Paris Region, and when it comes to funding, the Paris-region-based startups attract around 70% of the total amount raised in France. For Healthcare, in the past three years, Paris Region healthcare companies raised more than €4Bn.
Foreign startups can also find a large offer of incubators dedicated to HealthTech, some of them directly linked to university hospitals (e.g Ipeps), some providing lab space (e.g Biolabs Hôtel Dieu, Paris Biotech Santé), and some dedicated to digital Health (e.g Future4Care).

A research Powerhouse

With 21,3Bn euros in R&D expenditures, the Paris region is the 1st region in Europe for R&D expenses. All companies conducting research in France can benefit from a 30% tax credit on their R&D expenses.

When it comes to healthcare research, the region benefits from multiple key assets: Paris Region has Europe’s largest hospital network, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris (AP-HP), which treats more than 8 million patients every year. There are currently 12,000 doctors and 4,500 sponsored research projects in progress. The APHP includes two of the best hospitals in the world, according to Newsweek, Hôpital Universitaire Pitié Salpêtrière and Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou.

Besides APHP, Paris Region counts numerous research centers leading the way in their respective fields to advance medical technology and knowledge. Here are a few of them based on their expertise areas:

Oncology: Curie, Gustave Roussy;
Neuroscience: ICM, Fondamental, Vision Institute;
Rare and Genetic diseases: Genethon, Imagine;
Metabolism: ICAN;
Infectious Diseases: Pasteur.

Digital Health

One of the key components of the plan “Innovation Santé 2030” is to position France as a world leader in digital health.

This strategy aims to facilitate the development of innovative solutions backed by scientific approaches to conquer a booming digital health market.

Many laws and incentives have been started to encourage this development like the reimbursement of telesurveillance activities or the PECAN program (fast-track reimbursement pathway) for DTx and digital medical devices.

In the Paris Region, many initiatives emerged from that strategy including:

Paris Santé Campus, the flagship project for tomorrow’s e-health in France. With a current surface of 15,000 m², it welcomes all the innovative stakeholders in digital health and aims to gather researchers, caregivers, entrepreneurs, institutions, and citizens.

Future4Care, is a corporate accelerator that offers a dedicated 360 and personalized support to digital health companies. With 6,400m² of office spaces in Paris, the accelerator has the perfect program to help you scale your solution and industrialize it.

Network and Find Investors (HealthTech events in Paris Region)

SANTEXPO, Paris, May - This annual event gathers the entire health ecosystem: equipment manufacturers, software editors, suppliers, e-health entrepreneurs, medical device manufacturers, decision-makers, and health professionals involved in the management, digital, equipment, and construction of health facilities.

Medintechs, Paris, March - Medintechs is an exhibition bringing together the general public, patient associations, federations, health professionals, and experts in new technologies. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the latest innovations, to make them accessible, but also to enable the general public to find out how to take control of their health.

HealthTech Innovation Days, Paris, October - This event intends to make Paris the European capital for health innovation to accelerate care access for all patients. With more than 150 healthtech companies, and more than 300 international investors, these days are the perfect occasion to create partnerships, meet investors and learn about trendy subjects in order to make the health ecosystem evolve.

VivaTechnology, Paris, June: VivaTech accelerates innovation by connecting startups, tech leaders, major corporations, and investors responding to our world’s biggest challenges. It is considered the biggest tech event in the world with around 165,000 visitors each year and 13,500 startups.

Congrès France Bioproduction: The “Congrès France Bioproduction” is the annual meeting of the biomanufacturing ecosystem in France, it federates all actors of the industry (CDMO,s CROs, OEM Manufacturers, Biotech, Pharma, etc). It is organized by PolePharma and Medicen, the two main clusters for Healthtech and Pharma in Paris Region.


In the News

CMR Surgical

CMR Surgical, Revolutionizing Surgery
In this interview, we delve into the groundbreaking work of CMR Surgical and its mission to revolutionize the field of surgery with Versius®, a next-generation surgical robot. We speak with Patricia Chesnais, the General Manager for the France & Benelux region, as she shares insights into CMR's innovative approach, their expansion into Paris Region, and the unique qualities of the local HealthTech ecosystem. Discover how CMR Surgical is transforming the surgical landscape, one robotic innovation at a time, in the dynamic, innovative, and smart environment of Paris Region.
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Kranus Health, DTx companies are coming to Paris Region
In this interview, we enter the world of Digital Therapeutics (DTx), a new form of treatment that becomes more and more attractive. We discussed with Charlotte Puechmaille, Country Manager of Kranus Health France, how France is providing a clear regulatory framework for these solutions and how the company benefits from the concentration of key actors in Paris Region’s ecosystem.
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Shaping Tomorrow's Labs: Kadans Science Partner's Journey in Europe
In today's success story, we will be discussing Kadans Science Partner, a Dutch company that is a prominent name in the European PropSci industry, and its expansion to Paris Region. Kadans focuses on creating specialized environments for scientific organizations to promote innovation and growth in various scientific sectors. This interview will focus on Kadans' strategic move to Paris Region and explore the advantages of its ecosystem that make it the future of the PropSci market.
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Medi'Scope - Paris Region's health innovation radar

This collective “work” reflects the meticulous efforts of Medicen's teams, who work in close collaboration with our experts and partners. This project is concrete proof that our ecosystem is moving towards its full potential.


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