With a dynamic and diversified ecosystem, Paris Region concentrates major deep tech assets, from big industrial players to public research centers, talents, and incubators, making it the place to explore new avenues in the field.
Paris Region always had the Deep Tech mindset, even when the name didn’t exist yet. What are we talking about here? You will discover it below, but bear in mind that a deep tech has two key characteristics: R&D intensive and bold.
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Thomas Fauvel
Deep TechExpert
An Overview of Advanced Technology Industries Clusters in Paris Region
Paris Region is the European deep tech leader and ranks as the 10th largest science and technology cluster in the world, according to the WIPO's 2022 Global Innovation index . It accounts for more than €21bn of private and public R&D expenditure.
Paris Region gathers industrial players such as Atos, Thales, NOKIA, Valeo, Orange, Stellantis, L'Oreal or GE Healthcare and offers powerful R&D capacities and business opportunities to start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps.
The ecosystem also benefits from a rich regional pool of talents ready to foster research and innovation. The Paris Region R&D workforce accounts for 183,000 including 135,000 researchers. More than 36% of the Ph.D. students in France are located in Paris Region (26,800).
For example, Paris-Saclay is an outstanding technology campus, home to an exceptional concentration of private and public laboratories as well as leading universities and schools, and representing 21% of France's research capacity.
Clusters, Incubators and Accelerators to Support Your Growth in Paris Region
Paris Region’s diversified economy is buzzing with top-ranked high-tech clusters and research centers. This unique ecosystem offers exciting opportunities for cross-sector collaborations, at the crossroads of IT and healthcare, or automotive and eco-technology, for example.
Systematic Paris Region is the cluster most representative of the excellence of deep tech in Paris Region. It stimulates partnerships between its 900+ members and gives access to funding (€3,5bn since its creation in 2005) in 6 technological hubs: Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Cyber & Security (& Defense), Digital Infrastructure & IoT, Digital Engineering, Optics & Photonics (including Quantum Technologies) and Open Source. Learn More.
Systematic Paris Region can rely on the best academic research labs such as CEA List, IRT SystemX or Inria and unique infrastructures such as Synchrotron Soleil or Supercomputers like Joliot-Curie (22 PetaFlops) to name a few.
You can also rely on five other major technology and innovation clusters in Fintech (Finance Innovation), digital & ecological transformation (Cap Digital), mobility (NextMove), aerospace (ASTech),and life sciences and healthcare (Medicen).
Numerous technology transfer offices and deep tech incubators offer programs to help mature technologies grow and get to the market successfully. The list includes public incubators such as Agoranov, Incuballiance, Descartes as well as engineering schools’ incubators such as Centrale, Polytechnique, Telecom Paris Tech.
Altogether with the world's largest start-up campus, Station F, hundreds of other incubators and accelerators host more than 12,000 start-ups in Paris Region.
Download our guide to find the right accelerator for your company in Paris Region.
Tailored Incentives for Your Projects
The other reason why Paris Region reached this level of R&D concentration is partly because of the French R&D Tax Credit (so-called CIR) that “refunds” roughly 30% of all R&D expenses of a company, even if the company does not pay income tax. It can be doubled if the company hires young PhDs.
In addition to this, the Paris regional council offers a variety of subsidies (INNOV’UP) which can cover the whole development cycle from research and innovation to market introduction.
Click on the following interactive picture to know more about the Paris Region resources for your R&D activities:
This interactive picture has been designed with the help of Adoc TM and Novanexia.
Deep Tech Events in Paris Region
Hello Tomorrow Global Summit, Paris, March - Bringing together 1,000 startups, 1,000 corporates, 300 investors, 400 researchers and technology transfer experts and 300 incubators/accelerators, the event is a unique opportunity to leverage collaborative power to drive forward innovation. This aims to help solve the many crises our planet is facing, as well as those that are yet to come. Learn More.
Deep Tech Days, Paris, March – Series of events in major local innovation areas to meet deep tech entrepreneurs or investors and have an overview of the ecosystem. Learn More.
Ph.D. Talents Career Fair, Paris, October – This event is the world's largest fair dedicated to PhDs. Every year, it brings together several thousand PhDs and Ph.D. students wishing to pursue their careers in the private sector. Learn More.