In the summer of 2024, Paris Region will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The runners of the paralympic marathon will run from La Courneuve in Seine-Saint-Denis to Les Invalides in Paris. They will pass through nine municipalities in the eastern part of Paris Region and part of eastern Paris. Focus on four of these fast-changing local areas.
La Courneuve
Designed by the architects Chartier-Dalix, the future station for lines 16 and 17 of the Grand Paris Express metro is taking shape in the western part of La Courneuve. “The Grand Paris Express will completely transform the urbanization of the eastern part of Paris Region,” explained Jacques Paquier, editor-in-chief of the Journal du Grand Paris. These local areas will become significantly closer to the capital. “ At the same time, La Courneuve is undergoing a makeover. Several major projects are underway, such as the Halles Bapcock. This former industrial site of over 13,156 square yards, located at the foot of the RER station, is destined to become a mixed-use district by 2025, featuring housing, shops, offices, arts and sports facilities.
Le Bourget
Just 11 miles north of Paris, Le Bourget benefits from the international influence of its airport, Europe's leading business aviation hub. During the Olympic and Paralympic Games, some 2,500 journalists and technicians from all over the world will be housed in the new Media Village, located between Le Bourget, Dugny and La Courneuve. They will keep the world up to date from the main media center at Le Bourget exhibition center.
As a key venue for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Saint-Denis is undergoing a series of transformations. The Olympics Aquatic Center, the only sports facility built specifically for the Games, will leave its Olympic imprint on the city forever. An emblematic project of the Grand Paris Express, the future Saint-Denis - Pleyel station designed by architect Kengo Kuma will create a major hub by connecting four metro lines. “This station is destined to become a new Châtelet - Les Halles in the north of Paris,” explained Jacques Paquier. It will revitalize an entire district, with new housing and attractive shops.
In just a few years, with the arrival of the BETC communications agency in the Magasins Généraux building, the area around the banks of the Ourcq has become a veritable hot spot for young professionals. In the 4 chemins district of Paris, the recently opened Diderot workshops are intended to serve as a showcase of the sustainable city. “Craftsmen and small businesses specializing in eco-construction have set up shop in this 5,980 square yard former tire factory,” said Jacques Paquier. A little further on at Les Sheds, the former Cartier-Bresson spinning mill is enjoying a new lease of life as home to a contemporary art center.
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