Choose Paris Region produces a range of documents on Paris Region’s economy, business trends, and areas of expertise. In this section, you will find all the background information and key figures related to the attractiveness of the Region.

Redefining the Future, the Paris 2024 Legacy - Learnings and impact for the Paris Region
- Paris 2024, the XXXIII Olympiad, is now over. At this time of reckoning, it is important to recall the key points, humbly draw the first lessons and remind ourselves that although the Games are over, the bigger story of Paris 2024 is not - far from it...

Attractiveness Report 2023
- Paris Region has consolidated its leading position in terms of economic, tourist and cinematographic appeal. This 2023 assessment highlights the region's resilience, as it maintains its level of influence while pursuing its environmental transition, which lies at the heart of its regional strategy.

Observatory of International Investments Related to the Paris Region Olympic Games
- With the eyes of the world focused on Paris for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this is a unique opportunity to position Paris Region on the world stage and attract international investment.

Observatory Brexit-Related International Investment in Paris Region
- For the first time in 2022, Paris Region took the lead in the ranking of European regions that attract foreign investment, ahead of Greater London which, before the Brexit, dominated this ranking of major cities.

Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 - Paris Region Key Messages
- From July 26 to September 8, 2024, the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (OPG) will welcome more than 15 million visitors at 25 locations in Paris Region. Beyond its athletic dimension, this event represents a fantastic opportunity to put all our region’s assets in the spotlight. Because the attractiveness of Paris as a metropolis is not just a question of the French capital’s worldwide renown.

Paris Region out of the box
- The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, Notre- Dame, the Arc de Triomphe... so many sites that make Paris and Paris Region famous worldwide. However prestigious they may be, they do not in themselves sum up what Paris Region has to offer in terms of tourism and leisure activities.

Paris Region Facts and Figures 2024 Edition
- Choose Paris Region, the Paris Île-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and l'Institut Paris Region present the 2024 edition of Paris Region Facts and Figures. This publication highlights the key assets of Paris Region.

Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 - Paris Region Key Messages
- From July 26 to September 8, 2024, the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (OPG) will welcome more than 15 million visitors at 25 locations in Paris Region. Beyond its athletic dimension, this event represents a fantastic opportunity to put all our region’s assets in the spotlight. Because the attractiveness of Paris as a metropolis is not just a question of the French capital’s worldwide renown.

Rapport d'activité 2022 (FR)
- En 2022, l’Île-de-France a repris la première place des régions européennes du futur et des destinations les plus attrayantes pour les investissements directs étrangers en Europe, selon le classement établi par fDi Intelligence, la division « Investissements étrangers » du Financial Times.

Paris Region Facts and Figures 2023 Edition
- Choose Paris Region, the Paris Île-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and l'Institut Paris Region present the 2023 edition of Paris Region Facts and Figures. This publication highlights the key assets of Paris Region.

Paris Region Facts and Figures 2022 Edition
- Choose Paris Region, the Paris Île-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and l'Institut Paris Region present the 2022 edition of Paris Region Facts and Figures. This publication highlights the key assets of Paris Region.

Global Cities Investment Monitor 2021 Edition (EN)
- Global cities are attractive and stimulating environments where top decision-makers, talents and financers join to produce business and social innovation. They are a global network of densely connected focal points, each intensely competing with the other to define the best economic and political standards.

Explore - Experience a Unique Worklife Balance
- This guide will enable you to familiarize yourself with the various features and characteristics that distinguish Paris Region and make it an attractive hub. We are more than ever ready to develop business ties and opportunities with foreign companies wishing to invest ore reinvest in the European market. In Paris Region, we value innovation, business, sustainability and much more! Eperience a unique work-life balance!

Paris Region Facts Figures 2021
- The 2021 edition of Paris Region’s Facts & Figures is now available to provide you with all the aspects of the Region ranging from business, population, education, R&D, real-estate, and more! Download the full report and discover what makes Paris Region so attractive and unique as a business hub and a great place to live in.

Global Cities Investment Monitor 2020 Edition (EN)
- Overall, Paris is the success story of the 2010’s. It changed gear in attracting international investments and moved in the top league, the only city to do so in the decade. Our survey show that Investors will keep looking at what global cities are ,the positions they hold. But also, and increasingly, at what they do : the stimulus package they provide, the determination they show, the agility they prove.

Paris Region Facts and Figures 2020 Edition (EN)
- Choose Paris Region, the Paris Ile-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and l'Institut Paris Region publish the "Paris Region Facts and Figures 2020". This publication highlights the key assets of Paris Region.

Rapport d'activité 2019 (FR)
- À l’heure où je vous écris, le monde, la France et la Région Ile-de-France sont touchés sur le plan sanitaire et économique par une crise d’une ampleur inégalée. Dans ce contexte, je veux remercier tous ceux qui œuvrent pour soigner nos malades ainsi que les salariés et les entreprises qui continuent leur activité pour permettre à notre pays de fonctionner. Cette crise nous frappe tous et nous restons solidaires.

Paris Region Key Figures 2019 (EN)
- Paris Region Entreprises, the Paris Ile-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and IAU Île-de-France, the Paris Region Urban and Environmental Agency publish the "Paris Region Key Figures 2019". This publication highlights the key assets of Paris Region.

Chiffres-clés de l’Île-de-France édition 2019 en version chinoise (CH)
- Choose Paris Region, le Centre Régional d'Observation du Commerce, de l'Industrie et des Services (Crocis) de la CCI Paris Île-de-France et l’Institut d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme d’Île-de-France (IAU îdF) publient les Chiffres clés 2019 de l’Ile-de-France en version chinoise, « Paris Region Key Figures 2019 ». Cette publication valorise les atouts clés de la Région Ile-de-France.

Global Cities Investment Monitor 2019 (EN)
- "Global Cities Investment Monitor 2019" is the barometer of the Paris Region attractiveness co-realized by KPMG and Paris Île-de-France Capitale Economique. Download to learn more about the results.

Rapport d'activité 2018 (FR)
- Les chiffres officiels l’attestent : l’attractivité de la Région Île-de-France est en plein essor. Le bilan 2018 des investissements directs étrangers, présenté en mars 2019 par la Présidente de Région Valérie Pécresse l’a confirmé, et ce malgré un contexte européen fragile. Mieux encore, pour la première fois en 2018, Ernst & Young a placé l’Île-de-France en tête du classement des métropoles mondiales les plus attractives.