Originally based in Barcelona and launched in 2021, Cafler is an online vehicle mobility platform offering solutions for vehicle refueling, transfers, service & maintenance, and much more. With this unique service, users can now free themselves from the often-tedious work involved with owning a vehicle. Already present in 3 countries, +25 cities, and with more than 250 partners, Cafler now finds itself at the start of a global expansion. We recently sat down with the Head of International Expansion, Ana Santacruz, to understand the reasons behind Cafler’s expansion to Paris Region.
Please tell us a few words about Cafler and its mobility solution – what makes it unique on the market?
Cafler is an on-demand marketplace/service platform that asks a professional driver to complete any activity related to a vehicle like taking it to the garage shop for a repair, washing it, fuelling it, inspection tests, etc. Just 2 clicks away! The “uniqueness” of Cafler relies on its very low price thanks to technology, and how it makes owning a vehicle easier, by freeing up time. At the end of the day, why would you do any of these activities when someone trustworthy can do them for you?
Why was it important for Cafler to have a presence in Paris Region and what distinguished Paris Region from other European regions?
Paris Region is one of the biggest hubs for start-ups in the world, and an entry point in the French market. The Region is a great European market to test new products and the logical entry point for the French market. With its deep automotive history, France was always the next area to delve into. There are major names in the French automotive industry, and we want to cement ourselves as one of the major players of this important European market.
How do you see the mobility market evolving in Paris Region compared to Barcelona?
Vehicle mobility is moving towards more efficient and sustainable solutions, that's why our technology is so important to optimize the operative costs of a vehicle fleet. Both cities are pioneers against climate change and this is changing vehicle mobility within the cities, especially in the centre. Paris Region is a lot bigger than Barcelona and isn't restricted by the sea, therefore it's currently a bigger market and has larger growth potential in the future. France is working in so many ways to continue innovating and leading the automotive industry. There are public companies, many more (and bigger) private companies than in Barcelona related to mobility, and a lot of start-ups that are changing the way we move.
Can you discuss your experience building your team and recruiting talents in Paris Region?
Paris Region is a big metropolis with a mature technology ecosystem, therefore there is a significant pool of workers in the industry we work with, but there is also a lot of competition as the industry is strong. The market is fast-growing with many different start-ups and different sized companies operating in the region. As a result, we have had to find ways to stand out above the rest. Our biggest challenge has been finding the proper elements to launch our product in the market and that the communication was as fluid as possible with our headquarters. We are very proud of our French team, who are excited and motivated to work with us. Our aim is to translate the success we have had in Spain over to France, and offer high-quality service, adapted to the French market and customers.
What do you enjoy the most about Paris Region?
Paris Region is a beautiful, cultured place, steeped in history. As our drivers whizz around through the city and the various monuments they are constantly reminded of the stunning art, landscape, and history that Paris Region has on show 24/7. It is a cosmopolitan region in the heart of Europe, full of successful entrepreneurs, with delicious food and full of opportunities for a company like us.
Please describe Paris Region in 3 words
Competitive / Innovative / Historical

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