Choose a vibrant, innovative and sustainable territory! 20 million sq.m of short, medium and long-term investment opportunities will be presented at MIPIM by the United Grand Paris exhibitors. Seize the opportunity to invest in EPAMSA (Établissement Public d'Aménagement du Mantois Seine-Aval), in the Right Place, Right Now! The preeminent challenge to the west.
Ecopôle Seine Aval
Welcoming eco-activities in Greater Paris:
- 90 hectares
- “Fabrique 21” dedicated to eco-builders, 5,000 sq.m since 2012
- 1 business park with a 7,000 sq.m floor area which could be delivered, Urban planner: Agence Quintet

Mantes Univerisity
Inventing the future Eole station area:
- 40 hectares of development land, in a 70 hectares zone
- 2,500 housings
- 83,000 sq.m of floor area for convenience stores, offices, industry and services
- Urban planner: Nicolas Michelin & Associés

Mantes Innovaparc
Developing a business district on the Seine Paris Normandy axis:
- 58 hectares to be developed, on the A13 motorway, SNCF train station, RER E Eole in 2024
- 170,000 sq.m of industrial activities and offices
- INNEOS offices and business incubators, international group Sulzer Pompes France, Pythagore district (4,000 sq.m of divisible space), Actinéos, craft, trade and small business centre (3,000 sq.m)